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Family and Prayers

Dear Friends,

Today is Kate and my 21st wedding anniversary. We will not be going out to dinner or anything special like that. It looks like we will celebrate it at home, ignoring our children. It will be great, Really.

I’ve been praying a lot lately. In times like this I go to an old prayer book from the Corrymeela Community in Northern Ireland. The Corrymeela Community is a Christian Community of Catholics and Protestants started during the Troubles to begin conversations between people in the two communities. Anyway, I came across this prayer and want to share it with you. Will be praying it Sunday. Oh and this Sunday is Communion Sunday – so get some bread and juice together for worship.

Creating and loving God,

This is your world, the world that you have made

This is the world for which Jesus died that all may fully live;

This is the world in which you call us to care and to serve.

Help us follow your song into the unknown, giving ourselves in love.

In a world rich with plentiful resources,

In a world where neighbors are hungry, poor, and powerless,

In a world where our sisters and brothers demand both bread and justice

Help us follow your voice into the unknown, giving ourselves in love.

You have called your church to echo the voice of the poor,

You have called us to speak out against oppression and injustice,

You have called us to give and work for the liberation of humankind.

Help us to follow your call into the unknown, giving ourselves in love.

All power and authority are in your hands,

You are the God who makes all things new

You are the God of hope who call us to have courage and faith.

Help us to follow you into the unknown, giving ourselves in love.

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your Name,

your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins

as we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours,

now and forever. Amen.

I know that we will be together again. It might not be exactly the way it used to be, but it will be good. So be patient and take care of yourself. I love you and miss you. And if you need to talk, please give me call. I’d love to hear from you.

Aging & Saging is “getting together” on Zoom.

Thursday, June 11 at 12:00 PM

For more information call Pastor Bob

Meeting ID: 852 9586 4346

Mobile +19292056099, 85295864346

SHINE Small Groups on Zoom

Thursdays at 6:00pm

Desmond Tutu tells us that we are all light bulbs, but we don’t shine unless we are plugged in. What would your life and faith look like if you plugged in every day?

If you are interested call or email Pastor Bob

ACP DINNER KITS:  Let’s help our ACP families and staff wrap up the school year on June 19th with everything they need for a spaghetti dinner at home. We’ll pack each bag with all the ingredients for dinner and dessert plus a few fun treats for the kids. We would also like to include a gift card for our staff members who have given so much during these past months.

Here is the cost per kit. Of course, we welcome donations of any amount!

ACP Dinner Kit: $25 each

ACP Staff Dinner Kit: $50

Questions? Call the church office at 487-1984

SLY PYG Meeting: Zoom meeting Sunday at 6:30 – 7:15


+The church office hours: 10:00-1:00 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.

(Closed Monday and Friday)

+If you would like to talk with me or need help in any way, I am in the office

(487-1984) during office hours or you can reach me on my cell phone (499-7217)

+Drive-in Worship 10:00 am

+Come to church. Park and stay in your car. Tune your car stereo to 90.7

+Video Worship – Organ Prelude 10:30    Worship 10:45 am.

Live Streaming at

+ For worship you will need a candle, and bread and juice for communion


Pastor Bob

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