Dear Friends,
I had to take a walk today. I’ve gotten a bit snippy with my family and needed a reset. I don’t know if it worked, but I’m glad I got outside for a while. As I walked I berated myself for what a horrible job I’ve done at the whole quarantine thing. I had great plans for my family and myself. This was going to be a time of renewal, a time for the Hagels to support one another and grow really close. And here I was needing to go for a walk because I am losing it on everyone. And it just didn’t seem like I or my family has changed much.
My mind was racing. All I could hear was, “You’ve let yourself down. You’ve let your family down. You’ve let your church down. You’ve let your God down.”
And then God spoke and said “Stop! That’s too much! Open your eyes and see my love and life surrounding you.”
So I began to pray, “Let me know your love. Let me show your love.”
I can’t say that I’ve done a great job of living this today, but it helps me to remember this prayer as I get down on myself and the people I love.
I pray you are able to see God’s love in your life, and that you can show God’s love in some small way.
I know that we will be together again. It might not be exactly the way it used to be, but it will be good. So be patient and take care of yourself. I love you and miss you. And if you need to talk, please give me call. I’d love to hear from you.
All loving Creator, whose care for us is unfailing, use us to show others how you can bring good from evil and joy from suffering. May our faith in the coming resurrection give us the compassion and courage we need to bring Christ’s love to the world. Be with those who are sick, isolated, or fearful. Strengthen them with your love. Amen
Unafraid Talk 4: Pastor Adam and I recorded a conversation we had around the fourth video of a series called “Unafraid.” You can watch our discussion on YouTube and continue the conversation by leaving your comments and questions. Here’s the link:
#4 Unafraid with Pastors Bob and Adam - YouTube Come listen as Pastors Bob and Adam talk about our fears of the apocalypse, change, and finances
Zoom Coffee Time: Let’s meet for coffee this week. Grab a cup of coffee. Get your computer. Sign on to the Zoom Meeting. Here’s the link:
Robert Hagel is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: First Pres J-town Coffee Time
Time: Tuesday, April 28, at 10:00
Meeting ID: 773 2743 6028 Password: 019782
+The church office hours: 10:00-1:00 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
(Closed Monday and Friday)
+If you would like to talk with me or need help in any way, I am in the office
(487-1984) during office hours or you can reach me on my cell phone (499-7217)
+Drive-in Worship 10:00 am
+Come to church. Park and stay in your car. Tune your car stereo to 90.7
+Video Worship 10:30 am. Live Streaming at
+The bulletin for Sunday is included in this email as an attachment.
+ For worship you will need a stone, a candle, and little something to eat and drink
Peace, Pastor Bob
