Dear Friends in Christ,
In response to increased anxieties and concerns around the global outbreak of COVID-19 and to encourage the practice of “social distancing,” First Presbyterian Church is cancelling Sunday Christian Education and Chancel Choir Practice for the next three weeks. The Wednesday Lenten Prayer Services are cancelled for the rest of the season. We have already cancelled Aging and Saging which meets on Thursdays. And we will continue to evaluate the situation and our programs as we move forward.
The Governor’s office has banned the gatherings of more than 500 people and facilities meant to hold fewer than 500 will only be allowed to fill the space by half. With this as our guideline, First Presbyterian Church will have worship this Sunday at 10:30 with some changes. Again, we will be reviewing this decision as new information is made available.
If you are sick, I encourage you to stay home. Know that whether you participate in any part of the life of the church is up to you and we, as a faith community, honor those decisions. So do what makes you feel comfortable and remember you can join us on our live-streaming service found on the church website.
This week has been a time of rapid changes. Our world is experiencing a lot of uncertainty, a lot of fear. You may be feeling a lot of things right now. Whatever those feelings are — even if they conflict with each other — they are okay. Throughout Scripture we see people who are scared, disappointed, angry, lonely, numb and in every instance, God is there, present to the very real struggles that we humans experience.
One of our great gifts right now is community. Christ lives in us. Christ connects us. Our way of being community may look different right now -- and it may look more different in the days to come -- but the ties that bind us together are stronger than handshakes or even physical presence.
If you have particular needs right now, please reach out. You are not alone. Your church family wants to walk with you. If you have extra resources and are more available to help right now, please reach out. We are glad to help connect you. And as we walk together, may you feel the very presence of God surrounding you and giving you strength.
Peace be with you,
